Well I just found a break in this weather to take a quick pic of a layout I did last weekend, the rain here has been torrential, perfect for scrapping, mind you I haven't scrapped a thing yet....
So this layout is based on Sketch #67 at Inspired Blueprints. I have had this Cosmo Cricket paper for awhile and really was not sure how to use it, but I love how this layout turned out in the end!
Here is the sketch....
and my layout.....
the journalling for this layout was important for me, it is about how I need to remember that it is ok for me to have some time out occasionally. I always feel guilty having time to myself, which is not often but I choose it that way. I don't like leaving my kids with others unless it is for work reasons and the two days they are in daycare, and they are still little, they are my responsibility even if that means I don't get to go out without them regularly. I also only scrap when they are in bed or they are with their Dad, I enjoy scrapbooking but I enjoy them even more, and before I know it they are going to be grown up and I don't want to regret missing precious time with them.
Love making these felt flowers, they are so easy and effective......you can glimmermist them as well to suit the layout!
Our January guest ...
8 hours ago
This turned out beautifully! I love your bits of purple w these papers!
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